

英漢字典: stick out

1. protrude or make sth. protrude or project突出;伸出

    Don't stick your tongue out at me. 不要對我伸舌頭。

    An arm was sticking out from the hole. 有只胳膊從洞中伸出。

2. be noticeable醒目

    The author's outlook sticks out on every page. 書的每一頁都清楚地顯示出作者的觀點。

    My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks out and you can't miss it. 我的房子是這條街上唯一的一棟磚房,它很顯眼,你不會找不到的。

3. endure or tolerate sth. to the end堅持…到底;忍受

    Try to stick out the party for another hour and then we can go home. 設法在聚會上再堅持一個小時,然後我們就回家。

    If you can stick it out a bit longer,everything will be all right. 如果你能再忍耐一會兒,一切都會正常的。

    Mathematics is hard,but if you stick it out you'll understand it. 數學是困難的,但如果你努力學習,堅持到底,自然就會了解它。

4. wait stubbornly for sth. that has demanded to be allowed or given堅持要

    The union are sticking out for a twenty per cent increase. 工會要求工資增加百分之二十。

    They say she's too young but she's sticking out for the job. 他們說她太年輕了,可她還是堅持要做這件工作。

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